07-17-2013, 06:31 PM
Hi All,
I m not a professional photographer, but I love to click photos. I have been using my Lumix point and shoot from past 3 years. Now I want to change it and willing to upgrade it. I have been reading lot of posts on dpreview and somwhat confused about, what should be better for me.
I would have love to take DSLR, but only reason which is pushing me back is its bulkyness and weight.
From past few days, I was reading about MILC and if I am understanding correctly, those will be less weighted but still give high quality of images.
My preferences will be --
- I love to travel and really walk for long sometimes. So, DSLR may not be suitable for me to hang it in my neck and roam around whole day. I am not looking for compact, but not as heavy as DSLR's.
- My photography will not be in actions or it doesn't require very fast capturing.
- I would definitely like to have some control on fuctions and can play and experiment with them.
- Much of time, I will be clicking landscpaes, family, gathering, mountains, desearts, wilflife, so it means a bit of everything.
- Occassionally will shoot video also and expect it to be good.
- I would not like to go beyond 700$.
- Not sure, if I plan to choose a photography class sometime later, will it require to have DSLR ?
- Wifi, GPS not required.
I am new to this field and so many reviews?posts confused me. I would really appreciate if experts can suggest me what would be better according to my preferences. Hope I am clear in, what I expect.
Once I get some suggestions for few cameras, I will research more on them. Please suggest.