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Forums > Back > preview: Fujinon 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8 OIS
There are some reports of strange behavior of Panasonic OIS lenses for some shutter speeds (around 1/160s if I remember correctly). But that may not be related to QC - could be an inherent design flaw in some lenses.

Tamron also makes stabilized lenses and it should be quite reliable considering the mass of tamron lenses on the market and the absence of complaints.

What I am wondering about: if you return a lens with an obvious centering defect, how can it be that the sample you get in return is still flawed? One would think that this sample is tested before being sent out...

Messages In This Thread
preview: Fujinon 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8 OIS - by frank - 09-24-2013, 02:03 PM
preview: Fujinon 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8 OIS - by Dietrdeb - 11-05-2013, 06:43 PM
preview: Fujinon 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8 OIS - by felix - 11-06-2013, 11:06 AM
preview: Fujinon 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8 OIS - by Figure 8 - 08-28-2014, 12:46 PM

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