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Forums > Back > Metabones Leica M to Sony Nex Adapter: Infinity where?
There's no such thing as infinity.  There are the stars, millions of lightyears away, or distant mountains mere miles away.  At no iris size (=fl/f-no.) are they both in critical focus. 


If the adapter is micrometers too close to the sensor, the lens will be "backfocused" at "infinity," ie: focused further than you wish.  If the adapter is micrometers too far from the sensor, the lens will be "frontfocused" at "infinity," ie: focusing at a closer 'infinity' than you may desire. 


If the lens contains low dispersion glasses, the focal plane is temperature dependent as well. 


Messages In This Thread
Metabones Leica M to Sony Nex Adapter: Infinity where? - by Dynszis - 12-19-2013, 05:54 PM
Metabones Leica M to Sony Nex Adapter: Infinity where? - by Scythels - 12-20-2013, 03:20 AM

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