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Forums > Back > Faulty Sigma 150mm Macro
Hi There,


I've got a Sigma 150mm Macro that i bought after seeing so many great reviews of this lens. However the copy I have seems to have an issue and I wondered if anyone here might know what it is. Basically usually when shooting at a reasonable distance (ie not Macro) and most noticbly wide open, the lens can be really soft and almost produces a double image. The lens seems really sharp when used in macro.


Attached is an example where i've also managed to get a sharp shot a couple of minutes apart. The focus is slightly different so I do wander if it is partly a focus issue but I've never seen the double image effect before from other lenses. Both images were shot at 1/1250th.


I bought the lens on Ebay a while ago so can't send it back. If I send it to Sigma would they fix this and do you know how much they might charge?






Messages In This Thread
Faulty Sigma 150mm Macro - by Guest - 04-26-2014, 04:48 PM
Faulty Sigma 150mm Macro - by popo - 04-26-2014, 08:51 PM
Faulty Sigma 150mm Macro - by Brightcolours - 04-27-2014, 08:43 PM
Faulty Sigma 150mm Macro - by borisbg - 04-27-2014, 11:10 PM
Faulty Sigma 150mm Macro - by Klaus - 04-27-2014, 11:46 PM

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