05-31-2014, 11:01 PM
*Edit: Thank you, dave 9t5, that was the one I was looking for.*
Instead I measured some of my filters. The expensive 77mm all would not scratch the front lens, if if isn't higher than the filter thread. The older, cheaper Hoya and Vivitar color filters could do some harm, if the front lens is going very far and coming close to the red dot line
But I didn't find a lens which was so close to the red dot line.
Cheers, glad I could find it for you.
The slim line filters fix one problem (wide angle vignetting) at the expense of another by having the glass so close to the front element.
For 35mm and 135mm lenses, they probably don't need slim line filters.
I also gave up on protective filters a while ago. The main issue was they introduced flare and haze and occasionally get stuck. A good hood will offer more protection.
But if you are shooting in really adverse weather or environments then that's a different story and a protective filter might help.