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Pentax Q-S1 announced
Honestly I do not think that K-mount lenses are good enough for the Qs.


Just to put a perspective on things here:

Full format sensor = 36*24mm = 864 sqmm

Q: 7.44 x 5.58
<span style="font-weight:bold;color:rgb(84,84,84);">mm = 41.5 sqmm


864/41.5 * 12 megapixel = 250 megapixel.


That's just to visualize the pixel density of the Q sensor. SLR lenses are just not designed for this kind of requirement.

Lenses are designed to deliver quality across the whole image frame. As a simplified rule - the bigger the area, the lower the peak performance. e.g. medium format lenses are technically slightly worse than 35mm lenses (usually).


Of course, a SLR lens will produce a relatively decent quality but pixel-level sharpness will be difficult.


This doesn't mean that there are no option - there's a world of them (C-mount) actually:


Fisheye, high speed primes ... you got it all ... except long tele lenses. The Q tele zoom has 45mm max. That's also about the limit that I can spot over at B&H (among the "megapixel"-grade C-mount lenses).

Of course, cheap C-mount lenses will produce correspondingly cheap results (unsurprisingly).


At some stage I looked into a fisheye option but then I thought it would be mental to invest that much money into an experiment.  Rolleyes


Messages In This Thread
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