09-01-2014, 03:27 PM
BrightColour – I realy like picture #2. Wonderful composition lighting,colours, details. I have look at this picture and enjoy it it a lot. Thanks for sharing.
I have some taught about spectrum
I have some taught about spectrum
- sun spectrum before entering atmosphere.
- Transfer function of air – it is dependant of time of the day. I assume that you shooting early in the morning or late evening. Not pointing out the camera vertical to sky at 12:00AM and searching the space shuttle. :-)
- Transfer function of lens. – not very important, since the most attenuation comes from air
- Transfer function of IR and colour filters.
- Last but not at least – transfer function of Silicone /sensor/. Silicon gap is equally high as IR photons. That is why silicone detectors are best in IR spectrum. Just think how good is jour TV IR remote control.