09-17-2014, 02:06 PM
Quote:An aside; A leak from a French photography magazine stated that Pentax had quietly announced to them their intentions to market a FF DSLR set to be launched in 2015 and was backed by facebook postings supposedly coming from Ricoh/Pentax.
The response on DPRs Pentax talk forum yesterday was wildly enthusiastic, almost hysterical as people were bringing out their FF lenses and generally celebrating the advent of this new awaited FF. An atmosphere of sheer joy!
This morning the jubilation was severely ruptured by the posting of an interview from Ricoh/Pentax at Photokina stating nothing more than their usual "under-development whilst studying the markets" spiel,
I swear I could hear the forum members crying!
To be fair, it's pentaxforums interviewers that are underwhelming. I've seen another interview of Mr Hiraku Kawauchi by a french website, in which he confirmed the development of the camera (previous statements were rather amongst the lines of "exploring the technology").