10-02-2014, 11:56 AM
lensrental publish long term (I think yearly) report on mechanical soundness of lens. Well they seem to throw up statistics by brand and lens type; and also will comment on optical centering over time and similar. Vaguely I think last year they didn't have enough data on fuji to be non-bias (though they did note that fuji had the worse batteries (or battery chargers) by far with an extermely high rate of failure. Vaguely I think they made some nasty comments about nikon (niikon usa) repair policy/cost and vaguely I think they said some positive things about canon pro line. I'm just quoting from recollection and didn't bother to recheck what they actually did say. I was rather amazed at their positive comments on canon (also I very vaguely think they said something positive about olympus but i don't remember what).
They are also a good place to check for trends; they seem to treat their business as a hobby with regards to providing full disclosure on where things are going and how varius brands are doing - at least in usa.
They are also a good place to check for trends; they seem to treat their business as a hobby with regards to providing full disclosure on where things are going and how varius brands are doing - at least in usa.