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Forums > Back > Canon EF 11-24mm f4 L USM is sharp
Dream on.




In terms of flare nearly every wide angle is better than the Nikon. Alright, "nearly every" in it's price class - while the Tamron is a little pricier. EDIT: correction, the Tamron is cheaper although the prices at lens rentals suggest else.


Anyway, I'm done with Tamron. They just have nothing to make me think about another Tamron adventure.


If it comes to sharpness, especially in corners, the Canon beats the Nikon - nothing less would be acceptable at double price!



Messages In This Thread
Canon EF 11-24mm f4 L USM is sharp - by Guest - 03-02-2015, 06:46 PM
Canon EF 11-24mm f4 L USM is sharp - by Scythels - 03-02-2015, 08:23 PM
Canon EF 11-24mm f4 L USM is sharp - by JJ_SO - 03-03-2015, 11:11 AM
Canon EF 11-24mm f4 L USM is sharp - by JJ_SO - 03-03-2015, 06:25 PM
Canon EF 11-24mm f4 L USM is sharp - by popo - 03-03-2015, 07:59 PM
Canon EF 11-24mm f4 L USM is sharp - by soLong - 03-17-2015, 06:22 AM
Canon EF 11-24mm f4 L USM is sharp - by Rover - 04-22-2015, 11:44 AM

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