09-11-2015, 07:27 AM
Quote:All of them are still easier that Schneider Crouch-snatch!Could you get any positive association with "Milvus"? I could not. "MILF" and the German word for "mite" (= Milbe), those words popped up. An ornithologist would get the right ideas: owl for Otus, red kite for Milvus, crossbill for Loxia, and the Batis is another bird. Which Zeiss lens is famous for bird photographers? Oh, right, none. And who knows, how good the perceptive skills of a crossbill are? Not much? Alright, I admit, until this morning I didn't know the word crossbill... I wikied it up.
Old German marketing skills: "if in doubt of or desperate for a name, go Greek or Latin, that's ancient and therefore must be good" :unsure: