My system is sub-optimal: one copy on the working laptop, one on attached USB hard drive (this is actually the primary copy, as the laptop is not my own but the HDD is). I am slowly but surely cleaning and sorting the remaining photos, and once they're all properly divided between folders, I'm uploading them to the cloud (I managed to get a deal on 1TB of free storage). My archive since 2002 measures 460 GB, but I hope to get it trimmed down somewhat (note: I only shoot JPGs). Ideally I would have a local storage (or better, two copies), a cloud and an off-site copy somewhere, but that is kinda wishful thinking so far. Maybe even a copy on a bunch of 128GB CF/SD cards for ultimate portability, as making 100+ backup DVDs would be a little difficult (not to mention that I'd have no space to store them). I'm also researching Blue-Ray discs but I'd like to skip optical storage if possible since even in BD flavour it's not very efficient (as in storage space per volume; flash cards seem a lot better).
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