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Forums > Back > Canon EF 35mm f/1.4 L II corners vs Sigma AF 35mm f/1.4 Art corners
Regardless how you look at it - this review does not reflect my opinion. 

It reflects what Imatests tells me. And I can visually confirm the results.


The issue that we are seeing here is that the lens (also the others) can scale massively in the center. But not in the corners.

This is emphasized by the lack of an AA filter in the 5Ds R. 


The charts are simply illustrating this "spread". On older cameras, this never showed up because the center quality always hit the resolution limit of the sensor "very early" so it could never show its potential. Now it can. Actually we had this discussion before .... :-)


The question may be whether I have to go for a "near center" reading now just to avoid the extremes of the dead center. Alternatively I could switch to a logarithmic scale or so.


Normally I prefer not to argue with this but it also helps to have a look at the LW/PHs here.

Compared to the 5D II numbers they are much better. 

e.g. they peak at 3800 LW/PH for the 35L II vs 3100 LW/PH for the Sigma on the 5D II.

Now, it is likely that the Sigma will beat the Canon on the 5Ds R because of scaling effects but the 5Ds R also shows that the scaling effects are gone now so the question is how much is in there.

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Canon EF 35mm f/1.4 L II corners vs Sigma AF 35mm f/1.4 Art corners - by Klaus - 12-01-2015, 10:26 PM

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