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Forums > Back > next PZ lens test report: Canon EF-M 15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 STM IS
Da first. ZOMG the vignetting again.

I did notice a few errors in the presentation though.


"This is as easy as pulling a dedicated lever and turning the focus ring." <-- surely you mean the zoom ring?


The 45mm distortion is strange, pincushion is mentioned in the text (and would be logical) but the chart says -1.03% barrel and it looks like that.


The 45mm resolution chart states f/5.6 as wide open aperture. Should be f/6.3?


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next PZ lens test report: Canon EF-M 15-45mm f/3.5-6.3 STM IS - by Rover - 02-09-2016, 06:54 PM

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