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Forums > Back > PC destroys MAC with the same price on lightroom test
The costs for putting the "custom build" PC together are zero, yes?

And we don't mind the double pixel number of the retina display, no?

We also don't mind the graphics with 50% more RAM in it on the PC side? With two fans making quite some noise? Nor the double RAM in the PC?

We also don't mind, that the iMac can be unplugged and then moved to another place, while the custom build PC with all it's cables... no, we don't.


I mean, I don't expect miracles for the Mac Pro. At this price it should perform way better these days. But professional movie or picture makers are no longer Apple's clients, they rely on iPhones and a part of me is wishing them to hell for this arrogance and ignorance.  <_<


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PC destroys MAC with the same price on lightroom test - by JJ_SO - 04-27-2016, 10:09 PM

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