04-29-2016, 08:22 AM
I recieved this box from MEYER-OPTIK-GÖRLITZ and inside is the new trioplan 100mm 2.8 for E mount
They sent it so i can review it for a month
MEYER-OPTIK-GÖRLITZ recreated this lens with a kickstarter campagaign that got more than 359 451$
The first Trioplan was realeased 100 years ago and this new version is based on the original plans of the lens.
They sent it so i can review it for a month
MEYER-OPTIK-GÖRLITZ recreated this lens with a kickstarter campagaign that got more than 359 451$
The first Trioplan was realeased 100 years ago and this new version is based on the original plans of the lens.