06-14-2016, 11:21 PM
I'm very glad about your post, Wim. That's exactly what I was talking about and a couple of things more.
BC, I don't know why you say "You took care of setting an equivalent f-stop"- that's not what one can see in my pictures, in each picture you see the same f-stop on both lenses. That's what I wanted to point out: Same ISO, same F-stop, equal lighting = same shutter speed.
What I want to add: ISO was also in film days only "an idea", depending on what one wants as final result. At least in black and white - and what else are sensors than 3 monochromatic films with different color sensitivity, be it Bayer, X-Trans or Foveon pattern? ISO is not a value like 20 °C or 2,234 mm. In film days the setting of the exposure meter very much depended on planned contrast - I guess you know about zone-system? Not a single b/w film was usable with the nominal ISO, DIN or ASA number, all of them needed more light to remain defined enough in the shadows.
BC, I don't know why you say "You took care of setting an equivalent f-stop"- that's not what one can see in my pictures, in each picture you see the same f-stop on both lenses. That's what I wanted to point out: Same ISO, same F-stop, equal lighting = same shutter speed.
What I want to add: ISO was also in film days only "an idea", depending on what one wants as final result. At least in black and white - and what else are sensors than 3 monochromatic films with different color sensitivity, be it Bayer, X-Trans or Foveon pattern? ISO is not a value like 20 °C or 2,234 mm. In film days the setting of the exposure meter very much depended on planned contrast - I guess you know about zone-system? Not a single b/w film was usable with the nominal ISO, DIN or ASA number, all of them needed more light to remain defined enough in the shadows.