08-11-2016, 01:10 PM
I'm so confused by this comment. You avoided MFT due to this bad lens; but then you point to your friend who has 3 very good lenses. Did I misunderstand your quote ? I mean Sony has mostly awful lenses (but some gems); fuji has been more consistent but I would venture micro 4/3 has more extermely good lenses than fuji (as well as more junk; in fact they simply have more options).
Quote:Boy, I'm glad I never bought into MFT (got my wife a NEX-3 back in the days of yore). Woulda chosen Sony or Fuji if I had been dabbling into the world of mirrorless now. I checked out a few more reviews and the lineup is a damn mess... (not that there isn't an occasional very good lens, of course). That said... a pal of mine working for one of the country's two biggest news agencies makes due with an Olympus camera (I forgot which one) and the 9-18, 12-40, 40-150 lenses. Only whips out the big Canon gear when he has to shoot sports or something in very challenging lighting.