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Forums > Back > New Zeiss Milvus 18mm f2.8 (and repackaged Milvus 15mm f2.8 and 135mm f2)
Judging by the results shown by the 135 in Lenstip tests, they could've just as well called it an Otus and nobody would have any reason to question this.


The 18/2.8 surely looks brand new (and no, I won't imply that it's the same lens as the Batis with the same parameters, and wouldn't advise anyone to imply this either).


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New Zeiss Milvus 18mm f2.8 (and repackaged Milvus 15mm f2.8 and 135mm f2) - by Rover - 09-06-2016, 12:49 PM

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