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Forums > Back > the influence of marketing and brand name a fogotten feature becomes a hit
Quote:Apple are rarely the first to do anything, if ever. ...

Excuse me?


First iMac? First Computer to take out of the box, plug and play? First mouse, long before (when they still were MacIntosh)? FireWire? SCSI? First color monitor? First support of more than 4GB RAM on home-computers? First Retina display? First personal organizer called Newton? After that first usable tablet without having a 2 kg brick + stylo in the hand? First ready-to-cluster MacPro? First LaserPrinter for mass market? First OS with 64-bit? First systemwide color management? First graphical OS? First onboard defragmentation as a simple task?


Sorry, this is a worn-out point, usually repeated by Windows-users who want to appear knowing and generously giving Apple a point or two. Apple were pretty often pretty innovative - do you recall any on screen keyboard before iPad / iPhone? As for the iPod: Which MP3 player comes in your mind with usable playlists, scrollable and on-the-go playlists? Who was first with the concepts of intelligent folders (saved searches, updating themselves, long before Adobe made a crude copy and Windows...? So far, no. Spotlight made it 5 or 6 years after Apple put it in Mac OS X in windows, just a little bit clumsier to use.


Ever cared to use Apple help? I don't mean support, I mean the database which explains a Mac. Who was the first to make computer chassis out of a block of Aluminium? 


Apple were pretty often innovative. And that's the bloody point. They are no more.  Sad


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the influence of marketing and brand name a fogotten feature becomes a hit - by JJ_SO - 09-14-2016, 09:48 PM

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