09-17-2016, 06:52 AM
Quote:So the Fuji X-T2 comes without it.This is a forum where we discuss things, you are a Canon man, so you defend your territory, I'm a Nikon dude and love vultures right.. and find myself circling above the M5, I see a nice camera with no headphone socket.
Your 3 DSLRs have plenty of real estate, right?
How does the headphone socket get rid of the background noise?
Circling above the X-T2 I see loads of things I like including 4K, very fast AF, great build and a whole bunch of features but no headphone socket. If you are serious about video and want extra shooting time, extra battery life and faster frame rate you need a vertical grip, you know the one with the headphone socket.
Headphone sockets enable you to hear what the mic is hearing, the end result, if there is a problem you can move the camera or use an off camera mic in another position, but, as you are a "very knowledgeable guy", I think you knew that anyway.