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Forums > Back > Phillip Reeve bashed the Trioplan
To be fair - as mentioned in the review the bokeh improves when stopping down.

The technical bokeh is never best at full open aperture - it's pretty much always better to stop down a little at least.


Messages In This Thread
Phillip Reeve bashed the Trioplan - by toni-a - 09-17-2016, 06:27 PM
Phillip Reeve bashed the Trioplan - by Rover - 09-17-2016, 07:44 PM
Phillip Reeve bashed the Trioplan - by Rover - 09-17-2016, 08:39 PM
Phillip Reeve bashed the Trioplan - by Klaus - 09-18-2016, 03:07 AM
Phillip Reeve bashed the Trioplan - by Rover - 09-18-2016, 05:25 AM
Phillip Reeve bashed the Trioplan - by Klaus - 09-18-2016, 07:45 AM
Phillip Reeve bashed the Trioplan - by Phillip Reeve - 09-18-2016, 08:20 PM
Phillip Reeve bashed the Trioplan - by Phillip Reeve - 09-18-2016, 08:47 PM
Phillip Reeve bashed the Trioplan - by Rover - 09-19-2016, 07:06 AM

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