09-19-2016, 01:54 PM
Quote:Exactly. You have zero experience with it, so you have no clue as to how often it happens in a particular use case.Did you actually read my response to your post? Re-read it, please.
Fact: I use it all the time in bright condition to shoot wide-open portraits of my daughter. If it happened as often as you claim, I'd stop using it entirely and use ND filters instead. Yet I don't. Why? Because it seldom happens.
Again: I'm not shooting passing cars or fans.
I don't care about your position as far as DR go. What I care about is for you to show me where you saw evidence that Fuji or Oly's electronic shutter reduces DR. If you have no proof, then your statement is just an opinion, nothing more.
And ddi I write anywhere that using full electronic shutters for portraits of posing daughters should show rolling shutter?
Come on.