11-19-2016, 07:49 AM
Quote:If someone says that they shoot mainly RAW or mainly RAW+JPEG or mainly this or that, I would say "whatever".
But when someone says I shoot 100% RAW and not a single JPEG file has ever touched my memory card then it needs to be pointed out that this is preposterous.
It is equivalent to people who make absurd claims that they shoot 100% in M mode.
Without stating the obvious,100% means every single shot without exception. I am currently culling my images and am down to about 150,000.
If everyone of these were RAW, I would say to myself that there is something seriously wrong with me.
I'll take preposterous, no problem with that! Oh and I do shoot manual too!
Coincidentally, on Flikr I created a group entitled "Ludicrous birds"
So I guess I'll call myself "The absurdly preposterous ludicrous bird photographer"........
........rolls straight off the tongue right?
Hmmm..... would have liked to have squeezed in a few more expletives.......but hey, brevity!
Flickr: LB.