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Forums > Back > full frame vs crop sensors what about bokeh ?
Don't get too close to BC's favourite dead horse, Wim, it's not completely decomposed and still stinks. His weird ISO calculations are pretending the sensor which is in a APS-C camera is the same as in a FF, no matter which brand/generation/resolution. It makes absolutely no sense, to use his words, but he still likes to pollute discussions with this kind of crap. A given amount of light will always lead to the same combination of aperture and shutter speed at the same ISO. Except in BC's book, but we can learn to live with that miracle. I for my part never saw an exposure meter which had besides the usual scales one for different formats. But there MUST be one in his possession.

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full frame vs crop sensors what about bokeh ? - by JJ_SO - 12-29-2016, 11:13 PM

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