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Forums > Back > MFT vs FF - informative
First, I appreciate you were not just putting links into the forum but also bothered  to point out why you did so. I hardly ever follow a link which someone throws in without a comment.


Second, I also think debates about size (of cameras) are typically male discussions, but why not? The girls have their shoe discussions or never know what to wear even if they have to use a bicycle to come form one end of the wardrobe to the other.


She at least is wrong in one tiny aspect, which is file size: My Fuji X-T2 produces bigger RAW-files with only 24 MP than the D810 with 36 MP. Why? The RAW converter programmers announce support for compressed Fuji RAW which was already available for Nikon shortly after it's introduction. SO, if the discussio would be only about that, I'd have to trash the Fuji.


And third, she put sensor size into the DoF equation. Doing that and forgetting output size makes not much sense.


Fourth, she says not to be posh  ^_^ in another article



Lastly, my third cousin the Duchess of Cambridge produced an heir to the throne this summer – it’s a strange feeling to be related to the future Queen, and of course a future King
 Right, this is not posh at all as is the Prosche in the driveway.


Nonetheless I like the approach of dismanteling FF, most of the time it is not worth the backpain. And her general statement "take the tool your hands are happy to hold".


So, in the last aspect big hands need big buttons/grips/dials? Makes sense to me. Flimsy buttons are not ranking high for me. 


Messages In This Thread
MFT vs FF - informative - by wim - 01-08-2017, 03:10 PM
MFT vs FF - informative - by JJ_SO - 01-09-2017, 11:47 AM
MFT vs FF - informative - by wim - 01-09-2017, 11:08 PM
MFT vs FF - informative - by JJ_SO - 01-10-2017, 12:51 AM
MFT vs FF - informative - by wim - 01-10-2017, 12:32 PM

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