02-22-2017, 04:32 PM
Quote:Don't think so.
If I want to have a formfactor like an APS-C or smaller mirrorless, then there are plenty of options around like Fuji XF100, 70 or whatever. Why compromising IQ just for a pancake, when a fiully integrated camera is still smaller because it doesn't need the mount, the electrical contacts and whatever is possible to be placed inside the camera. It also would not need a protection glass to keeo the sensor dust free.
Yes, but having a non interchangeable camera is too restrictive. I'd like to be able to change lenses while keeping a small form factor.
Also, pancake doesn't necessarily mean compromised quality. Many of the ones I listed above are actually good optically. To name a few:
- Panasonic 20 f1.7
- Pentax 40 f2.8 and 70 f2.4
- Canon 22 f2
- Samsung 30 f2