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Forums > Back > long, longer, longest ,
   Actually the Canon 400mm + the 1.4X converter gives 560mm at F8, the 400mm F5.6 is a renowned lens for it's sharpness, X 1.6 crop = 896 mm, already quite some reach. 

  To beat that you would have to use the same tele-converter on the Tamron G2 or the Sigma sport, I'm not convinced there would be any real benefit over cropping, if any. hence the OP's call for telescope lens recommendations.


 The absence of any AF and automations  in my view limits these lenses to standing birds only, it wouldn't be my route!


  Having been shooting the first generation Tammy , the sport and now own the G2, I would have no hesitation in recommending the Tammy G2, it matches the Sport for sharpness IMHO @ 600mm and is very hand-holdable with excellent balance.




   It's times like this that one considers how to approach the birds more closely!


  Most of the recent shots are taken with the G2:




Messages In This Thread
long, longer, longest , - by couplos - 02-27-2017, 04:05 PM
long, longer, longest , - by davidmanze - 02-27-2017, 05:37 PM
long, longer, longest , - by popo - 02-27-2017, 05:51 PM
long, longer, longest , - by Klaus - 02-28-2017, 09:12 AM
long, longer, longest , - by JJ_SO - 02-28-2017, 09:33 AM
long, longer, longest , - by davidmanze - 02-28-2017, 09:38 AM
long, longer, longest , - by davidmanze - 02-28-2017, 09:49 AM
long, longer, longest , - by Klaus - 02-28-2017, 10:11 AM
long, longer, longest , - by davidmanze - 02-28-2017, 10:36 AM
long, longer, longest , - by couplos - 02-28-2017, 02:33 PM
long, longer, longest , - by davidmanze - 02-28-2017, 03:26 PM

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