04-04-2017, 10:02 PM
Quote:You don't need a darkroom to develop B/W film. I worked two decades exclusively with a changing bag to put the film on the spirals of the developing tank. Close the lid and it's light-tight, you just need to fill in the chemicals. You need to dry max 1.6 m of wet film in a dustfree space. Then you can scan the negatives.
I just wonder what you guys think to get out of this? The only reason to go film, no, three reasons for me: better and instant archival qualities, artistic reasons to reduce some possibilities or doing a production without any battery. I still could do that, the Yashica FX3 only needs a battery for it's exposure-meter, the rest is mechnaical - and who needs to mether the exposure? Onyl whimps. Real male photogs can sense the light with their urine.
Spot on about the changing bag, you don't need a darkroom to develop B/W at all.
What am I getting out of shooting film? I get to use a Hasselblad 500C/M the way it's intended to be used. In its full 6x6 glory with no digital back! It's a lovely photographic tool that is much more enjoyable than any digital camera I've ever used. Also, I have a darkroom and an enlarger that I can use at home so I can make beautiful prints without spending tons of money on a decent sized printer like an Epson 3880. Even some of the 35mm cameras that I've been using give me a lot of those benefits but I've hardly shot any 35mm in the past year.
Also, if you know your EV values, you don't even need the urine