04-05-2017, 11:17 AM
Quote: Are you using a prism finder with the Hassy? That was one of the reasons I didn't get on with my Rollieflex, looking down into a viewer, with the left right inversion, it just felt unnatural to me, that and the square format and it's box style construction, I found it a clumsy to hold, it was for that I prefered the 6X7 Pentax and it's huge look. The Hassies certainly fall into the Swiss watch build quality catagory, with their superb lenses!
Am I missing something....what's with the urine?
JoJu wrote.."But going 135 and shoot a roll of outdated color negative?"
Well I rummaged in my out of date draw.... all I could find was a roll of Agfapan 25 B+W dated 01/2004..120, actually very nice fine grain film, pity it wasn't 35mm....Oh that and a packet of old condoms....but that's another story.....I digress! :wub:
Heh, I actually love looking down into the viewfinder with the mirrored view. Since it's different than what I can see with my own eyes, I can be more judgemental about the composition. Wish digital cameras had that feature (Lightroom has a mode like that). It's not really disorienting to compose neither, as there is a very simple trick. If you can't get your head around how the view moves right when you move the camera to the left, just look at the subject while composing. You will automatically move the camera to right where you want.
I'm sorry I can't share you the secret of urinal metering. I can point you in the direction of the Ultimate Exposure Calculator though, if you didn't know it already.
About the expired color 135, well, I don't even shoot 135 anymore. Even when I did, I pretty much never shot color because digital can do it much better. As JoJu has written, if you're going to have a digital workflow in the end, why start with analog? And expired film? I would never. Simple as that. My girlfriend did it a few times and she was ruined when she found out all her beautiful photos on a roll came out unusable due to an almost dead film with purple color only and bubbles. She swore never to do it again. However, I don't regard 2-3 years of expiration as anything significant so don't point fingers if you see me using something expired in 2016.
Color film on 6x6 is a whole different thing though. That is still worth it over digital IMHO.