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Forums > Back > Camera user interfaces, the good, the bad and the ugly
In the beginning I hated Apple because everything they put in their interface worked another way than expected from Windows. But my then girl-friend got her bubble-lamp iMac and together we managed to install a printer without diving for drivers, a router without reading couple of nights in manuals.


Before, on OS 9 or earlier, it was not much better than IBM's OS, a lot better than Windows 3.x


With OS X things changed very much. Apple's reputation in fact is the user experience (and the "overpriced" hardware...) which a lot of people share ("How easy that can be") contrary to ("why does this have to be co complicated?") Sure, over the years Windows users had to learn it's not so good to work always as Administrator on the own PC. That I also would not recommend to do on a Mac. 


Micorosoft is easier for people who don't want to give up all the useless stuff they learnt - but if one knows this stuff well and loves to feel as super user....  Big Grin On a daily basis I have to master FrameMaker, Word, a CMS, couple of Editors, all the Adobe stuff - nothing was a as easy to learn or looks better in the end result than Apple's pages. They simply know what is needed and how to make it work with easy.


Camera manufacturers with "overpriced" hardware don't guarantee an interface experience like Apple  Wink

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Camera user interfaces, the good, the bad and the ugly - by JJ_SO - 06-30-2017, 05:58 AM

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