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Forums > Back > photographer loses lawsuit ...to a monkey
Naaah. If the photog would have set a movie camera and then just used the right picture, there's still entirely his effort. The monkey was pointing the photog's camera at his face - so the court only stated, the photog's rights are not bound at his camera but on the photog. At the end a good thing.


If I ever used Annie Leibovitz' camera and take a picture of her, it remains my work and not Leibovitz' camera's.


Messages In This Thread
photographer loses lawsuit ...to a monkey - by davidmanze - 07-15-2017, 10:49 AM
photographer loses lawsuit ...to a monkey - by Guest - 07-15-2017, 10:50 AM
photographer loses lawsuit ...to a monkey - by JJ_SO - 07-15-2017, 11:29 AM
photographer loses lawsuit ...to a monkey - by Guest - 08-06-2017, 05:40 PM

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