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Forums > Back > Name a lens for which you would invest in a system
Oh here I go Smile


Sony FE:


12-24/4: Excellent quality and is tiny compared to all the alternatives in other systems. 

55/1.8: Again, Sigma 50mm Art and Otus are in the same league in quality, both are hilariously large and heavy comprared to it. Also, is as cheap as the Sigma.


There are many other impressive lenses in the system but those two have no alternatives in other systems if you factor in everything.




14/2.8: Only thing that is comparable is the Zeiss 21mm and the ART. Both are hilariously larger and more expensive.

16/1.4: Maybe Nikon 24/1.8G is as attractive. Maybe. Batis 25/2 too but that one comes with a price, otherwise I'd put it up there in the Sony section.

56/1.2: Magnificent. 

90/2: Another lovely lens. I just love how it works with the light.

55-200/3.5-4.8: Might be the best 70-300 equivalent lens. Has a nice aperture, is compact, quality is really good and is priced quite farily. Yes there are better lenses but this one is in such a sweet spot.


Canon EF:


Any of their TS-E lenses: Especially the 17mm. Nothing comes close. No, Nikon 19mm is not an alternative. And has been available for years.

135/2: Ridiculously good lens. I wouldn't search for anything sharper and is probably the most compact, fast, AF 135mm by anyone.

85/1.2: Huge, not really that sharp, focuses hilariously slow but that rendering is worth everything.




Their whole 1.8G series: Probably the best all-rounders. All very decent performers, all very decently sized and priced. 



I'm skipping some still excellent lenses such as Canon 100/2.8L, Batis 25/2, Sony 16-35/4, Fuji 10-24, Nikon 14-24/2.8 because while they are absolutely stellar options, other systems have just as viable options.


Also from legacy systems:


Hasselblad V:


Any of them. 


Sony/Minolta A:


Zeiss 50/1.4, 85/1.4, 135/1.8: Beautiful things!

Sony 85/2.8: Small, doesn't weigh anything nor cost anything and is very beautiful.

Minolta 70-210/4 Beercan: Can't beat it for the price. 


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