Of course it's better to have a modern sensor, however I am sure on A4 prints for most shots nobody would be able to tell if a photo was taken with an outdated D70 or with D850, last summer I did three weddings with 5D and 30D prints of pictures taken this year with 7Dmkii and 750D are maybe better, but I am the only one capable of telling the difference and not in all the pictures.
And yes many get into a system for a lens or lenses, otherwise I wouldn't be using Canon, I would surely get Nikon D500 which is at least for me the best camera on the market right now. I know this sounds contradictory to you but in D500 there are plenty of features aside the sensor that make it an outstanding camera
And yes many get into a system for a lens or lenses, otherwise I wouldn't be using Canon, I would surely get Nikon D500 which is at least for me the best camera on the market right now. I know this sounds contradictory to you but in D500 there are plenty of features aside the sensor that make it an outstanding camera