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Forums > Back > Newest high dollar nonsense lens, not via kickstarter, but straight from Leica
      As Leica's days of film are basically over (yes, they still make and sell a few all mechanical cameras) but those collecting range-finder cameras are confined mostly to S/H older and rarer models......selling for mega bucks ...


      ............Sotherby's do well but not a penny seen by Leica !   


  Now, nobody, (in their right mind) will be collecting Leica M8/M9 digitals etc........ Why?...... Because........


    .....when it dies before your eyes, and Leica cries "no bits guys....    dry your eyes, say your bye byes" !


   ...voilà, no digital collectors!  



    April fools day, no!.......... kickstarter day, no!......after all the Yashicas and other Christmas cracker nonsense, it must be.......


                         ..........the year of the sheep....so prepare to be fleeced!










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Newest high dollar nonsense lens, not via kickstarter, but straight from Leica - by davidmanze - 10-29-2017, 05:24 AM

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