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Forums > Back > Things you shouldn't do when shooting weddings in Lebanon
I am at a wedding now (not taking photos) and I can see some serious misconducts hopefully things won't turn bad.

A wedding photographer is a photographer he's not the wedding organizer not the decision maker, however the guy here doesn't seem to get things, he's changing everything to have his perfect shots. Here's a list of unacceptable things he did today:

Seems he intentionally made the bride arrive 30 minutes late to get the perfect shot at sunset,

He didn't respect traditions: In Lebanon the bride walks the aisle with her future husband not alone, she arrives with her parents, who hand her to her husband they walk the aisle then the bride and her future husband walk the aisle, those are our traditions. However he preferred letting the bride walk the aisle alone .. Maybe to add his mark, while the family were visibly upset.

Let's see how things will turn out with him.

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Things you shouldn't do when shooting weddings in Lebanon - by toni-a - 12-03-2017, 04:54 PM

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