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Forums > Back > Watt kind of pictures did you take at the age of 22?
In genreal I'd agree.


But when it comes to certain pictures like the ones from D'Oultremont, there's no shortcut and no cheap alternative. He needs all the light he can get and a reliable system, the tripod was (and needs to be) some big foot (I saw a Gitzo Series 5 with a gimbal). I have no idea about the Canon gear I saw in the videos, but there was no 100-400 lightweight involved - all the big and fast buckets need some deep pockets.


But even if I could buy the same gear - or could have bought it at the age of 22 - I still doubt to be able to see or find the kind of pictures I admire from him.


Messages In This Thread
Watt kind of pictures did you take at the age of 22? - by davidmanze - 01-09-2018, 08:44 AM
Watt kind of pictures did you take at the age of 22? - by JJ_SO - 01-10-2018, 09:25 AM

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