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Forums > Back > Nikon Canon future - is this the 35mm format
You can't sensibly tilt and then just rotate the camera around to make huge stitched images, tilting the camera bites the purpose of tilting the lens. Same goes for shift...
And I wonder what you can do with APS-C what you can't do with FF or any kind of "medium format", concerning stitching? I must be overlooking an obvious angle that you are thinking of, obican.

Messages In This Thread
Nikon Canon future - is this the 35mm format - by miro - 04-07-2018, 12:28 PM
RE: Nikon Canon future - is this the 35mm format - by davidmanze - 04-08-2018, 01:50 PM
RE: Nikon Canon future - is this the 35mm format - by miro - 04-09-2018, 12:37 PM
RE: Nikon Canon future - is this the 35mm format - by Brightcolours - 04-10-2018, 06:24 AM

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