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Forums > Back > Roger Cicala unfanboy Opinion about Canon/Nikon mirrorless cameras
You2, I understand where are you coming from. CaNikon changed the narrative - both firms emphasize on image quality,ergonomics, ambitions lens parameters, and less restrictions to design lenses. I beleive that at this point is clear that smaller litter comes with compromises in what the lens can deliver especially on 35mm cameras. Please note that all mirror-less cameras increased in size in recent years. The same for lenses each time we see lens meant to be high quality tool the size and weight goes up.
I addition I would like to add that so far two predictions for mirrorless proved to be wrong:
1. Mirrorless will cheaper (not cheap) to produce therefore the cameras will be more affordable for consumer. I guess the R&D and corporate profit planning broke that one.
2. Smaller and lighter cameras and lenses.

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RE: Roger Cicala unfanboy Opinion about Canon/Nikon mirrorless cameras - by borisbg - 09-12-2018, 05:15 PM

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