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Forums > Back > Regarding the release of the ZX1 (and the Ricoh GR, Panasonic LX100II)
If the lens is at Otus levels, it'll actually be quite attractive for some people.

Yes it's not compact at all but it has the right tools for the target audiance.
-Battery is huge, 3190mAh.
-Leaf shutter so it'll be really quiet with no rolling shutter.
-Three dials and everything else is done by the touchscreen.
-No single card slots. This is hilarious. I'm guessing someone actually said "no single card slot" and it got lost in translation.
-Proper in camera RAW editing. Every camera should have this.
-Lens will probably be brutal. They don't really use the name Distagon unless it is.
-UI looks quite beautiful.

This is probably more of a design concept than a means to get a huge market share and I can see this evolving into a camera system with interchangable lenses, maybe with their own mount or by simply adopting the Sony's E mount.

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RE: Regarding the release of the ZX1 (and the Ricoh GR, Panasonic LX100II) - by obican - 09-28-2018, 12:32 AM

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