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Forums > Back > Slideshow software and files

Does anyone here create slide shows from their photos? Which software do you use and what kind of a file is your final product?

I recently had a good play with iphoto on a mac. It can be quite quick, but many templates have a mind of their own and so far I didn't figure how to fix things the way I want it. When it comes to producing output, the default option seems a quicktime video. That can take a long time to generate and the results are most of the time not comparable to watching the individual image file. File sizes for 10 min or so are in the GB range (H.264 encoded).

Any suggestions or other experiences?



Messages In This Thread
Slideshow software and files - by joachim - 12-29-2010, 08:39 PM
Slideshow software and files - by Rainer - 12-29-2010, 10:11 PM
Slideshow software and files - by mst - 12-30-2010, 12:33 AM
Slideshow software and files - by Guest - 12-30-2010, 05:05 PM

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