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Forums > Back > Sensor dynamic range and native ISO
I think that we all start mixing terminologies.  To meke the mess complete I’ll introduce my point of view.
The modern sensor end camera technology becomes very complex. I think that no one can make scientific analyzes on current sensor technology.
1.      At the begin was simple – CCD sensor sends analog values – there was simple analog antialiasing filter -> ADC -> processing of ADC data to RAW file was easily reverse ingenered.
2.      Then come Canon with C-MOS sensor technology in dSLRs =
3.      Then Canon start playing with color filters in Bayer pattern – It was also reverse engineered.
4.      BIS aaapears on the market – It allow manufacture tu put more intligence on photosensors. Analog frontend become more complex,  Journalist start to use over-simpkified terms that nowone knows the meing – e.g. sensor readout.
5.      Complexity races once again – The traditional SLR manufacture start to struggle keep in pace with software & hardware  development. New start apper in the horizont - “Computational photography ” – The smartphone small sensors and lenses start to deliver IQ similar to tohose of big cameras.
The hardcore guys still use the word cheating but no one understand what they main. It is even worse, they don’t know what they main with word “cheating.” Is Apple cheating, Is Addobe cheating, Is canon JPEG cheating or is RAW file cheating.

My point is that I don’t care on this intermediate stages. I look at the final result. One picture is good or not. You can use whatever you camera likes, whatever you post-processing software/ Apps use. Whatever you media likes – still photo,video, Paper, web, metal , plastic etc. The final result is what counts.

Messages In This Thread
Sensor dynamic range and native ISO - by toni-a - 06-25-2020, 06:31 AM
RE: Sensor dynamic range and native ISO - by miro - 06-25-2020, 08:22 AM
RE: Sensor dynamic range and native ISO - by wim - 06-25-2020, 09:22 AM
RE: Sensor dynamic range and native ISO - by wim - 06-25-2020, 10:49 AM
RE: Sensor dynamic range and native ISO - by miro - 06-25-2020, 12:31 PM
RE: Sensor dynamic range and native ISO - by wim - 06-25-2020, 08:01 PM
RE: Sensor dynamic range and native ISO - by wim - 06-26-2020, 08:48 PM
RE: Sensor dynamic range and native ISO - by wim - 08-01-2020, 08:12 PM

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