09-28-2020, 08:09 PM
congratulations !! attention Lenses Buying Addiction LBA can damage your bank account worst than coronavirus, I was severely affected, however with hyperinflation and country economic collapse My salary value is divided by ten and it's expected to get worse, so I am on temporary remission, however at least for me this disease was useful: better have lenses than worthless money bills and a bank account you can't access in a bankrupt bank....
From a medical point of view we need to expect second wave coronavirus far worse than first one.... is country lockdown useful ? depends on each country and how it is applied : worked well in China failed in the west, however I can assure you no safer place from coronavirus than a flower field...unless you take a crowded bus to go there.
From a medical point of view we need to expect second wave coronavirus far worse than first one.... is country lockdown useful ? depends on each country and how it is applied : worked well in China failed in the west, however I can assure you no safer place from coronavirus than a flower field...unless you take a crowded bus to go there.