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Forums > Back > All seems to be quiet on the western front .......
(12-26-2021, 06:37 AM)toni-a Wrote: Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year
As for the virus, as a healthcare professional actively involved in it, here are my expectations:
The virus intention is to spread and multiply not to kill his host, only a stupid virus kills its own host, such a virus is doomed unless it has an animal reservoir where it can hide and thrive in animals that don't get sick while harboring it like Ebola.
The expected evolution of COVID is towards a rather harmless highly transmissible virus, Omicron seems to fit here
Omicron loves living in the nasal mucosa much more than the lungs= it rarely kills and transmits better, so basically it is acting like a "contagious vaccine" if Omicron isn't the strain then another strain will just do that
so everyone will end up getting the virus but it will become just a flu, just like what happened with influenza, it is here to stay
But it will become much milder
Expect the upcoming flu shots to include both COVID and influenza in the same injection that will become annual.
There should be more COVID than flu cases in 2022 however COVID will be not worse than a flu, to be confirmed by ongoing studies.

Hi toni,
Virusses are not alive, they just "are there" until they are not. They do not kill either. They just get copied in your cells by your cells, until the host's body recognises them and hunts them down.
The thing with SARS-2 is that it gets undetected in the body for a long time with some people, who then get sick caused by a deficiency of the protein the virus "uses" to enter cells. 
If Omikron causes less damage, that must be because the virus is less capable of going undetected for a long time.

Happy days for you and your family too!

Messages In This Thread
All seems to be quiet on the western front ....... - by davidmanze - 12-25-2021, 04:05 PM
RE: All seems to quiet on the western front ....... - by davidmanze - 12-26-2021, 10:48 AM
RE: All seems to quiet on the western front ....... - by Brightcolours - 12-26-2021, 05:06 PM

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