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Forums > Back > How would you rate the MFT market position today?
You argue rationally why the system makes sense, but for me, it's about sustainable reader numbers (=cost recovery) - or in other words, whether people are investing in it.
I hoped that Panasonic would release a new camera to boost the system - at a higher MP count. After all, they've got their 25mp sensor on the GH6, but the GH6 itself is way off price-wise.
That's one of the reasons why I'm in waiting mode.

Regarding some of the other comments:
* it may be that the lens lineup is complete, but you also have to move on by releasing new versions
* the rest of the gang is still releasing low-end stuff (Z30/50, R50/100, ZV-E10) - so that's hardly an argument
* pixel shift mode for testing - that's just not practical
* MFT today just isn't good value anymore, really. e.g. a Z5 costs as much as an OM-5.

Given the recent developments in AI tooling, MFT makes more sense than ever in my book. High ISO is almost no problem anymore except for DR.
But this seems to be ignored by consumers. Bigger = better seems to be in our genes ...
Chief Editor - opticallimits.com

Doing all things Canon, MFT, Sony and Fuji

Messages In This Thread
RE: How would you rate the MFT market position today? - by Klaus - 06-14-2023, 09:40 PM
RE: How would you rate the MFT market position today? - by davidmanze - 02-03-2024, 08:20 AM

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