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Forums > Back > Canon made a major technological breakthrough ....in cmicrochip manufacturing...
(10-16-2023, 11:56 AM)wim Wrote: Yes, I noticed. Canon has always been producing their own sensors and other chips, but they were lagging behind quite a bit compared to other manufacturers of chips and chip-machines such as Sony and ASML.

It appears as if they decided to skip an entire step in technology, and immediately leapfrog everybody else. Very interesting, I am looking forward t how this pans out.

The Microchip and prcerssors  thing is something really really big, Qualcom, Intel, AMD are huge companies way bigger than Canon, entering this arena for Canon as a strong player would be the biggest thing the company has ever done

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RE: Canon made a major technological breakthrough ....in cmicrochip manufacturing... - by toni-a - 10-16-2023, 01:48 PM

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