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Tokina 11-16mm: Opposite results on photozone and lenstip. Why?
[quote name='curriguy' timestamp='1298579882' post='6333']

IEdit: Just for the record, I hope this isn't something controversial. I'm just trying to rationalize the differences between the two review sites. Its clear to me that lens testing is complicated stuff - and I guess subtle changes in HOW you test can sometimes lead top opposite conclusions - both of which are based in truth.


Yes, sort of. In fact they felt the need to explain why their results are somewhat different than on other sites here:

There is some truth in that article, some simple fact-stating and unfortunately some useless bashing, too. And also some factual errors.

Because of the tone of that rant we (or Klaus in particular) never felt the need to go down to the same level and "officially" reply. However, since their claims we're doing something wrong slowly seemed to creep into discussions about photozone results (and that lenstip article was often quoted or linked), I felt the need to reply on dpreview recently:

However, please see this as my personal point of view, only.

-- Markus


Messages In This Thread
Tokina 11-16mm: Opposite results on photozone and lenstip. Why? - by mst - 02-24-2011, 09:50 PM

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