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Forums > Back > Question on Capture NX2 and color space
Hi Guys:

I shoot in RAW and set the color space to sRGB in my D700 camera. I know that using which color space is irrelevant to RAW but I think sRGB is most suitable for preview of pictures on the camera LCD.

After transfering RAW files to my computer I use NX2 to edit them. To get best control on colors, I choose to work in ProPhoto RGB space. After the editting process, I convert the color space setting to sRGB, then save the file into a jpg file which will be used for viewing on computer and display on web.

I have a question: When I edit the raw file I work in ProPhoto RGB space, is the ProPhoto RGB color (or adobe RGB--that is another option for edditing work) correctly diaplyed on the LCD compter screen? I heard that most LCD diaplays only support sRGB colors. if this is correct, then it means that during the editing process the color is not correctly diplayed on the screen. Then, how can I know if my adjustment with colors is in the correct direction that I want for the final sRGB jpg file? Do I misunderstand something?

With best regards,


Messages In This Thread
Question on Capture NX2 and color space - by frank - 03-11-2011, 04:31 AM
Question on Capture NX2 and color space - by PuxaVida - 03-11-2011, 09:36 AM
Question on Capture NX2 and color space - by mduraj - 05-14-2011, 09:05 PM
Question on Capture NX2 and color space - by wojtt - 05-23-2011, 06:26 PM

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