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Forums > Back > Test of the Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 24 mm f/4 ED Fisheye ;)
Canon does the same with the SX220/230. In fact, the lens is wider than 28mm.

I also believe that the Panasonic 14mm is actually wider.

Irrespective of the focal length there is still the disadvantage that you have less resolution after distortion correction. For example, the Canon SX220 has only about 10-11 MP (instead of 12 MP) after distortion correction. The image is then "bloated back" to 12 MP by way of extrapolation. Probably, the loss in resolution is slightly less in the case of mFT.

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Test of the Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 24 mm f/4 ED Fisheye ;) - by Tiz - 08-06-2011, 08:32 PM

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