(03-28-2019, 01:04 PM)davidmanze Wrote: ●●● That is the third SD card slot that has failed on me now.
there's no way I will pay that price just to have a second SD slot
Then you should start to develop a more gentle handling. You don't need to hammer the card in like a nail. I never had a SD- or other card slot failure during the time I use digital cameras and I always download the files from the cards. Rarely I use the tiny USB-ports, but I admit, I'm too lazy to start Apples app "digital pictures" first - as some cameras are not recognized by Capture One.
Killing three of these slots with different brands, sorry dave, it appears as the problem is located in the firm thumb of Monsieur Manze.
Oh, and btw.; 3 years of warranty here from Nikon.ch

Oh 2: Thanks for waking the forum from its Sleeping Beauty sleep!
Oh 3: Maybe you need to look after a camera with 4 card slots, so you'd run out of them later.